August 13, 2024- Council Meeting Actions

  • Approved the Minutes of the July 9, 2024 Budget Workshop.
  • Approved of the Minutes of the July 9, 2024 Town Council Meeting. 
  • Approved the Developer Agreement and Easement agreement between the Town and Equity Lifestyle Inc. which will allow the Lake Clarke Shores Utilities Department to own and operate the new water distribution system and supply potable water service to the Maralago community. Staff also recommends the Town Council approve the purchase of up to $300,000 for the water meter program for this project and to waive the bidding requirements due to not being advantageous to the Town.
  • Approved the use of forfeiture funds in an amount not to exceed $10,000.00 for the purchase of 15 handguns for the Police Officers. 
  • Approved the use of forfeiture funds in an amount not to exceed $3,328.00 for the purchase of a 500-gallon diesel tank for the Police Department and Utility Department use during emergencies.
  • Approved to appoint Jess Shahin to the infrastructure Surtax Citizen Oversight Committee.
  • Approved the Land Use License - Elaine Sterling, 7128 West Lake Drive, new seawall.
  • Approved the Land Use License - Alving and Joan Bever, 8410 Waterway Drive, new seawall. 
  • Approved the Land Use License - Jennifer M. Chrzanowski, Trustee, Georgia Jean Jacobs Revocable Trust, 7144 Pine Tree Lane, new seawall after certain conditions are met.
  • Approved the Agreement with Akerman LLP.
  • Approved the Arts Festival on November 2, 2024 subject to the applicant being responsible for the application process of the special event and all conditions and requirements following said application, including any additional agency review/fees.
  • Approved to award the contract to Baxter & Woodman Consulting Engineers in the amount not to exceed $190,000 for construction engineering and inspection services for the Pine Tree Lane Bridge Replacement Project and to forgo the Town’s purchasing policy’s provision on not piggybacking for these types of services.