Septic to Sewer Info Session

sewer manhole


Septic to Sewer Information Session


The Town of Lake Clarke Shores will hold a public session to provide information on a proposed septic to sewer conversion on Monday, July 15th from 1:30pm to 3:30pm.

The session will feature several expert speakers familiar with issues associated with this topic.  Following the presentations, the speakers will answer questions from the public.

The session will be held virtually only.  To watch the session, all members of the public are invited to register at this link:

All speakers will do their best to answer questions based on the most current available information.

If you are unable to join us, the session will be available on the town's YouTube channel following the event.


Submitting your question


Members of the panel will be answering questions following the presentations.  Questions must be submitted online or in person at Town Hall in advance of the session.  Due to time constrains, no live questions will be taken during the session.

We invite you to submit your question here.  Note: Duplicate or similar questions may be consolidated into one for the session.  Only the question will be read.  The names of individuals submitting questions will not be read.

Please do not submit comments.  They will not be read during the session.  In accordance with Florida Statutes, all submitted information is subject to public records laws and any contact information may be used by the town for other communications purposes.

Questions will be accepted until June 30th. Questions submitted after June 30th will not be read.


Topics to be covered
  • Town’s history on implementing Phase 1.
  • Pros and Cons of septic to sewer conversion.
  • Explain the town’s current proposed plans on Phases 2 to 5.
  • Discuss the environmental and economic costs and benefits of a septic-to-sewer conversion.

As we approach the date of the session, we may post additional topics to be covered by the expert panelists.



Confirmed speakers
  • Bill Lynch, P.E., Jones Edmunds & Associates, Inc. Town septic to sewer engineer
  • Karen Marcus, former Palm Beach County Commissioner
  • Albery Arrington, PhD, Loxahatchee River District’s Executive Director
  • TBD: Representative from the Florida Department of Environmental Protection
  • Moderator: Elliot Cohen, Elliot Cohen Communications

As we are able to confirm additional participants, we will list them here.



Send us your question


Please fill in the information below to submit your question.

Please enter your Lake Clarke Shores address